龟 咯 渔 村 走 一 走
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龟咯就在往返笨珍与龟咯唯一的公路的尽头,这里道路不宽敞,所以白天这里都挤满了德士、罗哩与车辆,有关当局规定白天不得把车子驾进去,或者停放在码头附近,因此,外来的车子应该停放在路口的收费停车场里。 Either you're travelling by road or by sea, you reach Kukup at the end of the Pontian-Kukup road. This place is crowded with teksi, lorry and other vehicles. I would advise you to park your vehicles in the car park at the entrance if you are driving. |
前几年才建竣的“马拉”(MARA)店屋,屹立于耕文学校的右方,已经全面采用,吸引了很多的马来人及往来印尼人,相当的热闹。 The MARA Aked which was newly built a few years back located just besides the Ken Boon Chinese Primary School, attracts the local Malays and Indonesians to shop here. |
耕文学校对面的一间相当著名的海鲜楼,龟咯其中一项吸引游客的地方就是海鲜,这里好多间非常著名的海鲜楼,各种美味生猛的海鲜,让老饕们垂涎三尺。 One of the famous Seafood Restaurant located just infront of the Ken Boon Chinese Primary School. There are quite a number of Chinese and Muslim Restaurants serving very good, spicy and delicious seafood in Kukup, and that is one of the reason Kukup is famous as a tourist attraction. |
这是两村(龟咯港脚与咸水港)共用的渔人码头,就位于龙皇海鲜楼的旁边。龟咯区所有的养殖业者,也就是海上养鱼场采用的饲料,以及要出口的鱼产,都经过这个码头上下卸货载货。在这个码头旁边是村民们喜欢聚在一起喝咖啡的阿华咖啡店,楼上就是龙皇冷气海鲜楼。阿华咖啡店隔壁是海京海鲜楼,另一间著名的海鲜餐馆,海京海鲜楼的隔邻,就是著名的土产与手表商店益商食品。 The Kukup Fishermen's Jetty located at the right-hand side of the main road is shared among the people of both Kukup Laut and Ayer Masin Fishng Village. They use the jetty to upload and unload goods including feed for the floating fish farm. Beside the fishermen's Jetty, the famous Ah Hua Coffee Shop is where the local villagers meet every morning. The Long Wan Air-Condition Seafood Restaurant is located just above, whereas the High King Seafood Resatuarant is just beside the coffee shop. Farther next is the Aik Sang Native Product Store selling all types of local product and also cheap watches. |
Kukupnet now also in Chinese Language. 龟咯旅游资讯网中文版已经上网。 | |
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