龟 咯 渔 村 走 一 走
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进入龟咯渔村的入口“大路”,就在东山海鲜楼跟桂林的中间。进入龟咯渔村,还有在渔村走动,全部依赖这种“桥路”。以前桥路是用木板铺成的,现在已经提升为钢骨水泥坚固的桥路了。黑色的钢管是自来水管,只有大路才有,因此如果要走出渔村,可沿着水管就可以了。 This is the main entrance of the Kukup Laut Fishing Village, located in between the Tong San Seafood Restaurant and Kwee Lim. The whole village is linked with bridge-road. In the old time, the bridge-roads were wooden plank laid on stilts over the seashore swamp. Nowaday, the bridge-roads are upgraded to concrete. |
龟咯非常著名的“菜燕糕”,现在已经成为来龟咯旅游者带回去的手信。 The famous Kukup local product -- Crystal Jelly Cake. It's now a very famous local speciality, and a must-buy bring back gift for the tourist. |
龟咯历史最悠久的大伯公庙--“顺兴宫”,据说是建于150年前。里面还供奉着妈祖,以及海龙王。神龛里有2块木雕的龙形雕像,就是很多传说的龙公龙婆。 The famous "Soon An" Tua Pek Kong. Built some 150 years ago. Very famous once because of its history. There are 2 wooden blocks craft believed to be the god and goddess of the sea. Myterious legend about the blocks were passed down from the ancestor to the new generation. Ask the local folks and may be they will tell you the legend. |
小舢舨船是海上养鱼场的鱼农用来载送往返鱼排的工具。龟咯有两种鱼船,“A”牌是撒网浅海渔民(俗称:放绫),“B”牌是拖网渔民(俗称:虎网)。 The small speed boats are used to travel to and fro the floating fish farms. There are two types of fishing boat, "A" license is for net catching boat, and "B" license boat is the trolly fishing boat. Most of the boats in Kukup Laut are trolly boats. |
Kukupnet now also in Chinese Language. 龟咯旅游资讯网中文版已经上网。 | |
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